An keworrans-boos ma yw an polter pur yn naturel dhyworth an plans dien a'n agave gwyls difeyth Yucca schidigera.
Ev a dheu dhyworth difeythtir ughel an Statys Unys a'n soth west hag aswonys re beu gans Amerikanyon Enesik dres kansvledhynnyow avel askorras naturel talvosek.
Yn-mysk taklow erel, an Yucca schidigera a brovi diw fytokymygen bosek: saponinow ha polyfenolow.
As a result of these harsh conditions, the Yucca schidigera plant collects and synthesises various substances. The collection of these substances allows it to survive.
Apart from polyphenols and resveratrol, Mojave yucca has the highest content of saponins.
In long dry periods, the Yucca schidigera is the queen of the desert. It can survive in even the most demanding circumstances.
The Navajo and Cherokee Native Americans have used Yucca for centuries as a supplement in their daily diet. They also used parts of the Yucca to make various useful products.
The stem of Yucca is tough, which makes it ideal for weaving. The roots of a Yucca plant can also be used to make soap.
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